Facilities and Parks

Find information on the Village of Baron’s municipal facilities and parks, including locations, rates, hours of operation and contact information.


The Village of Barons is proud to be a member of the Chinook Arch Regional Library System.

Residents who pay a nominal fee have access to all 32 member libraries! For a complete listing of member libraries and the many services available visit the Chinook Arch Regional Library System website.

Some of the services available to cardholders are:

  • Browsing over 800,000 items in the shared online catalogue
  • Borrowing books from and returning them to any member library
  •  Accessing more than 250 Alberta libraries for free with The Alberta Library Card
  • Using TAL Online to search and borrow items from libraries across Alberta
  • Ordering books through worldwide interlibrary loans Borrowing videos, audio, and large print books that rotate through your library
  • Borrowing foreign language materials from the Alberta Multilingual Book Consortium
  • Using CNIB materials if you are visually impaired
  • Receiving paperbacks by mail if you are homebound
  • Participating in the Children’s Summer Reading Program
  • Participating in the Teen Reading Club online
  • Using library computers and wireless Internet
  • Accessing databases and online tutorials Reading a magazine or newspaper online

The Community Hall

The Baron’s Community Hall is ready for your booking! If you would like to make a booking, please call 403-892-0464 and book your event today.

  • Capacity: 350 – non-fixed seating & tables “licensed”.
  • Stage – Perfect for entertainment, DJ’s, Bands, etc.
  • Wet bar – located in the main area.
  • Kitchen – Fully modern kitchen with appliances.

The Community Hall backs onto a playground for the children and a picnic area on the side to enjoy those lazy summer days.

Weddings, anniversaries, auctions, markets and Bingo! are some of the many events that occur in our community hall. We look forward to hosting your event. Call now: (403) 892-0464

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