
2021 Revised Tax Notices

The Revised Deadline for Taxes is now August 10, 2021

An error was made by the municipal software program as it calculated taxes based on the 2020 assessment rather than the 2021 tax assessment. After speaking with a Municipal Affairs Advisor, because there was no changes made to the Tax Bylaw, Ministerial Approval is not required to send out revised tax notices. Please disregard the notice sent on June 1st, 2021.

For those who have paid or have signed agreements, adjustments have be made – new receipts have been issued. To the ones who have signed agreements, we can sign a new one or leave it as is, with the credit accumulating in your account. Please contact the Village Office if you wish to resign your agreement.

A 1% early payment discount will still be applied to those that pay their taxes in full prior to the due date of August 10, 2021.

For those interested in making monthly payments, please contact the Village Office to arrange pick-up/delivery of the monthly agreement. In addition, for you convenience, you can choose to include your utilities into your monthly payment.

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